Thursday, January 31, 2013

Third Round

I'm happy that I have found multiple perspectives that were more so successful than the initial sketches. Also I like the line quality of these. It has improved dramatically already I think. For each drawing I'm still struggling to use all 15 minutes. I think the closest I've spent is about 12.30. I'm used to drawing extremely fast so this notion of slowing down is difficult. It may be obvious but it allows to to add more detail and ensure that the perspective is more accurate. Proportions are getting there but still need help. The rims and wheels aren't were I'd like them to be so I think I will take about 5 minutes of the 15 to make sure that they are on point. From what I've been working on to me it appears that wheels can make or break the drawing. The expressiveness isn't quite there but its much closer than it was. I don't think I really achieved the goal of creating a schizophrenic looking car though. That was a really difficult first inspiration especially with only 15 minutes to get it on the page. I see some forms that are repeating already which is concerning. I need to make sure I break out of the typical designs that I'm comfortable with. Otherwise, more to come. 

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