Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fourth Round

Overall these particular designs were different than previous ones so in that sense I'm happy. I do feel that the traditional automotive and transportation proportions are holding me back. I think I'm going to explore a more science fiction approach for the next few rounds. They will still be ground vehicles, but not necessarily feasible. I'll keep them as plausible as I can while still trying to reach unique forms. I think for inspiration I'm going to explore single and multicellular organisms to arrive at some pretty wild concepts. I haven't tapped into the interior designs yet that may also begin for this round. I think this could be the most fun I'll have so far during this project. Also I'm thinking of taking some of these into photoshop and getting some rendering in. It's a bit early to decide so far on what I have but maybe 30-40 minute renders to help read forms and get a head start on visualizing these types of forms. 

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