Saturday, January 19, 2013

Impossible Goals

This is kind of a long read, but you never know, it may just be worth it.

Sangwon Seok: I recently discovered him and found out some information. He is around his 40's and has been drawing cars for 15 years. He teaches at an institute in Korea. I believe he also has a sketching book called, "SkeRen." But I'm not sure.

This impossible goal that I am preparing to set is the ability to articulate design as seen in this video. I'm a person that demands instant results, so I'll be giving my self 2 months to reach the quality that Sangwon Seok produces. It sounds pretty crazy, but the passion I have for cars should fuel this ridiculous standard that I've set for myself.

I will be posting car sketches that I have drawn a couple days ago. It will show the quality that I can currently produce. I don't necessarily think that what I can draw now is bad, but it lacks something. Whether its line quality, style, or design aesthetics it doesn't really matter. I have this tendency, that could be seen as a positive or negative attribute, but I love what I'm drawing as it happens. Then about 5 minutes after I have completed the actual drawing I detest it. I'm absolutely abhorred that I drew something that is lacking the emotion that I had while I was drawing it.

Ah. I have discovered what I addressed previously. What is lacking from my drawings? Passion. I carry so much of it while I'm drawing, but you don't see that through the drawing itself. I don't like making assumptions but it appears to me that Sangwon Seok loves drawing cars. And you can tell from each sketch.

I'm going to layout everything so incase anyone that follows this adventure and wants to try themselves but don't know exactly where to begin, they can use this as a catalyst or even go through the same process.

Lets find a starting point: Before I begin the layout of the next 60 days I want to have an approach.

Feng Zhu: A concept artist you may or may not have heard of. Amazing work. In one of his videos/tutorials he explains that if you draw through repetition you will become good at it. But if asked to draw something else, it would be like starting all over again. And you would have to draw 100 of them inorder to be good at drawing that particular thing. He teaches techniques at his school that allow a designer to draw anything through understanding. When you understand certain aspects it gives you the capability to essentially create anything that ones mind can imagine.

As I go through these next 60 days, I don't want to just be able to sketch cars. I want the techniques, style, and passion to be applicable to every drawing or sketch that I produce after this process has been completed. The cliche, "sounds easier said then done" comes to mind. The easy rebuttal to Feng Zhu's comment is that there is a combination of repetition and understanding. That sounds about right, but yet I'm looking for a different response. If you look at other videos by Sangwon Seok it takes him about 30-40 minutes to complete each sketch. To me the design field demands speed, quality, and quantity. With that said, I will begin the breakdown of how I will approach this unrealistic goal.

A professor once told me that you have to draw 50 cars a day. I don't know why, but I listened. So I plan to draw 50 cars everyday. The quantity has been set. I plan to have the stylistic elements that Sangwon Seok can produce. The quality has been set. Finally, if Sangwon Seok takes 30 minutes for that type of quality, then I can't imagine how long it may take me. But 30 minutes for each sketch will take me 25 hours. In order to reach the quantity, I have to up the speed. I'm going to cut that time in half. So 15 minutes to produce each sketch. The speed has been set. With that timeframe it will take about 12.5 hours to complete all 50 sketches. After the 60 days, I will have drawn 3,000 cars. At the end I want to select one that will ultimately be created in a CAD software.

Now I have some parameters. What's next? Sketching? I think I need more planning. Drawing 50 cars a day will become calculating. To avoid design repetition I will try to post the inspiration I have for each day. I mainly resort to nature for automotive inspiration, but I will go through that very quickly. Inspiration may come from reading or images. It could be an article, a definition from the dictionary, or even a science fiction novel. Inspiration may draw from other car designers, products, or possibly an experience.

I'm not quite sure how this will all pan out. It could end up being a huge waste of time. Would I be disappointed? Half and half. I'm intrigued by the mind. This is certainly a mental test of attention, focus, and being able to extract details from one aspect to apply it to another. This experiment is more than just a drawing exercise. A part of it will be about self awareness. I find that I can focus for approximately 5 hours straight. No interruptions. Then I find a huge decline in my productivity after that. Typically the first 5 hours goes smoothly because of the planning that I established before hand and after that 10-30 minute break the work rate isn't quite the same. Alright, now were getting ready to put this into motion. Oh, just so you guys know that I am drawing all 50 cars, I will layout all of them on the floor and take a picture and post it each day along with the top three that get scanned.


-Post inspiration prior to designing.

-Create 50 different car designs everyday for 60 days.
-Use only 15 minutes per drawing.
-No erasing.
-Decide the 3 best sketches of the day and post each of them on the blog.
-Use 10 minutes to physically and mentally recharge, then the next 10 minutes to mentally prepare for the following challenges.

-8.5x11 printer paper
-Black prisma colored pencil

-Create unique interior and exterior designs.
-Push the definition of what automotive design is and can be.
-Utilize stylistic elements, insights, and overall appeal of Feng Zhu, Scott Robertson, and Sangwon Seok. ( I didn't mention Scott Robertson but he is a huge inspiration, check him out. Scott Robertson)
-Strive to extend the mental focus from 5 hours to 12.5 hours (I don't expect this to happen until the 2nd or 3rd week.)
-Keep a balanced lifestyle along with the expected work ethic.
-Shave at least 5 minutes off of drawing time without the reduction of quality.
-Submit sketches to different car design blogs, websites, and forums.
-Have a solid, professional transportation portfolio.
-Improve in quality and speed.

If anyone has any type of input, insight, additional goals or parameters. Please feel free to email me or post on here suggests and comments. Let's push the boundaries of the mental, physical, and expectations. Hope you enjoy, follow, and get inspired.

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