Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Attempts

Now that I have my initial stages of my sketch ability I want to do the best job I can to objectively critique myself. First of all, theres line quality, but not appropriately established. Second, I need to master all different views, I'm stuck with this one perspective at the moment. Third, forms need to be more defined. Whether the use of contour lines or shading, they really need to help describe the form, not just be on the sketch to be there. Wheels, need a lot of help. They look as if they are just stuck on the side, they lack a wide stance that sports cars typically have. In my future sketches I will address each of the issues. I don't know if it will be fixed in every one, but its certainly things I need to pay attention to. And as I have sketched these, I realized that 15 minutes may  not even be long enough to consider all the elements that need more attention. A couple things will happen. Either I won't draw 50, I won't give the necessary attention where needed or it will take longer than 12.5 hours everyday. We'll see how this is going to pan out because I really don't know at this point. Just so everyone is aware, I'm doing this on a self taught basis. I earned my degree in industrial design but in no way have I been trained in designing cars. Its a passion I found a little bit later on in life and I truly want to pursue it. I've only watched videos of people drawing cars and seen pictures. I hope it doesn't ruin my credibility as a designer but hopefully shows the prowess and determination that I carry to follow through with something that I'm passionate about. 

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