Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Automotive Sketches & Futuristic Concepts

These round of sketches took about 10 minutes each, practicing speed and thought development: Medium Pen, Color pencils

Monday, September 26, 2011

Digitized Notebooks, Notes, & Inquiries


in progress:

IDUS 360 - Assignemnts

Things I look to for inspiration

First Assignment - Desk Lamp

Pat Nicholas Photography

Photographs I have taken: from 2009-2011

                                                                "Dusk on the Dunes"
                                                                  "Curbs & Cobblestones"
                                                               "One Nation, Under God"
                                                                    Taken 9/11/2011


Friday, September 23, 2011

Personal Thoughts upon designing

Uniformity, balance, harmony, nature

These particular descriptions, personally, become paramount during my initial phases of designing. These primary stages become the foundation and structure for the continuous quest of designing and refining your ideas. 

What is the purpose? Why do we look for inspiration? Designers, early developed and well established alike, should constantly question their purpose of what, why, and how they design. This is a personal philosophy and outlook of my own way of creating and development. I always ask myself WHY. Fabricate catechisms in order to stimulate all types of thinking. Pragmatically analyzing designs and how they impact the consumers carries an importance, but sometimes letting go can be the best way to arrive at a solution. 

Just as in algebraic equations, It is not always getting the answer correct but the formula and thought process behind the answer that gives evidence. Now as mathematics get more and more intricate with calculus, physics, quantum mechanics and so forth, theories are created. We have particular constants, that keep sanity within mathematical realms, but eventually the complexity creates an uncertainty. Leonardo da Vinci had a noteworthy trait that I attempt to comprehend.
Sfumato, an Italian word, the term technically is defined as the subtle and minute gradation of tone and color used to blur or veil the contours of a form in painting.  A book I had read during my education at SCAD redefined it as a hazy and ambiguous area. Leonardo believed that being comfortable in this ambiguity, this unknown space was essential. It is where thoughts, ideas, perspectives were flowing at a maximum filling the thought clouds. This is in fact what a brainstorm is. 

SKETCHING is a visual way of producing this brainstorm and when asked to produce 150 to 300 concepts it drives the brain to redefine boundaries and IGNORE NORMALITY’s.